Products :

Pipeline Freespan Correction Grout Bag
Pipeline Stabilization Grout Bag
Pipeline Crossing
Pipeline Protection (grout mattress )
Pipeline Shore Protection(grout mattress)
Concrete Mattresses for Pipeline Protection ,
Drop Object Protection ,Crossing and Shore Protection

Please click to see datasheets of freespan Grout bags range :

 Type: F65  for 4 to 12 inchs

 Type: F90  for 14 to 24 inchs

 Type: F120  for 26 to 32 inchs

 Type: F140  for 34 to 46 inchs

Type: F160   for 48 to 54 inchs

Please click to see datasheets of geo_textile datasheet


All types special grout bags / blanket design and fabrication
All types concrete mattresses design and fabrication
Freespan correction grouting operation
Jacket grouting operation